from the Director's Desk

Musings about school library media and instructional technology programs from NCDPI's Instructional Technology Divison.  Subscribe to our RSS Feed.

Thursday, February 15, 2007


And now a word to our sponsors! The state of North Carolina provides no direct dollars for Legislative School Technology Day, only our time. It is the vendor community that bears the weight of the expense, the tools, and the services to hold this event, and it is not small change! From the generators that bring in the electricity to the laptops the children use and the lunch and t-shirts for the kids--all this is provided through vendor contributions.

Wynn Smith said it best in her e-mail thank you yesterday:

"I would like to take a minute this morning to say a great big "Thank You." Legislative School Technology Day was a great success yesterday!
First, let me say that it would not have happened without your financial and technical support.
Second, let me also say:
  • "Thank you" to all of you who were able to attend, taking off your vendor hats and representing the state as a team.
  • "Thank you" to the technical team that was here all day Monday and Tuesday making sure the network was ready.
  • "Thank you" to those of you who could not attend for many reasons (prior commitments, sick children, etc.) but sent emails wishing us well yesterday morning.

We are proud to work with such a great group of people!"


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