from the Director's Desk

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Friday, February 09, 2007

Colliding Realities

My vision of a 21st Century school just collided with another reality, one that makes me empathize with those who are uncomfortable with and uncertain about my previously published entry. Yesterday Joe Poletti blogged that the New York Times editor had confessed recently that he wasn't sure they would be publishing the paper version of the newspaper in five years--and he really didn't care that they might not be publishing in hard copy. Wait a minute! I am so ill when my morning paper is not delivered in time to savor with my cup of coffee! I carve out time every morning, regardless of my schedule, to have that quiet moment to prepare myself mentally (the N&O writes at least one education-related story most days) and physically (that delightful easing into reality) for the day ahead. And reading it on the web is not the same!

Then Gerry Solomon sent me the link to a YouTube video that signals the same shift, a shift that on one level I not only accept but endorse. On another level, however, I quietly protest, "Please don't take away my book." Sure, make it electronic paper if you must--that might even be convenient. (My house is awash in books!) But make sure I can take it to bed at night, or to the beach on vacation, or tuck it into my pocketbook for cross-country entertainment.

Please, just let me keep my book, my newspaper, and my routine.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The future ain't what it used to be, Frances.

In the YA future-fiction Rash by Pete Hautman, our paper-based media has converged into our personal communication and information WindO...and just about everyone (of privilege) carries one.

This is not a stretch when we think about the pervasiveness of mp3 players today. I think the grandpa in the story still has a book collection somewhere.

But I'm with you, Frances. I find nothing appealing about reading fiction in digital format. And I'm glad my children still love to read books.

I take a newspaper just to catch local politics then start fires (literally). I read the N&O and the Herald Sun on line every day. Five other on-line news/sports/weather sources round out my morning routine. My favorite news source has become Pajamas Media blog.

Then I hit the NC edubloggers...then national edubloggers that I aggregate in Google Reader.

When I hear the pitter-patter of "getting-increasingly-larger" feet, I put away my WindO and we have breakfast.

February 10, 2007 6:32 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Frances, you are right in there with some buzz in this morning's blogosphere...

Changing Reading Habits (Jeff Utecht)

Is this SSR, 2.0? (Mark Ahlness)

Media Literacy as a Family Value (Andy Carvin)

February 10, 2007 7:04 AM  

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